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College Guidance: Campus Move-In Checklist – The Essential 220 Things

College Guidance: Campus Move-In Checklist – The Essential 220 Things

How to use this Checklist:

  1. Cross out items you do not need or want
  2. Add on the blank lines any items you need that are not listed
  3. For each item on the checklist circle P if you are going to PACK it; B if you are going to BUY it; and F if you are going to FIND it when you get to campus
  4. As you pack, check off each item so nothing is forgotten


You can’t take everything you own, and seriously, who would want to? Remember – clothes for class, clothes for studying, clothes for relaxing, clothes for partying and clothes for….the occasional PARENTs visit! Also, don’t forget those quarters – nothing worse than somewhere to go and NO QUARTERS!

___ P B F Jeans

___ P B F Shirts/ T-Shirts

___ P B F Shorts

___ P B F Workout Clothes/ Sport Uniforms/ Dance Outfits

___ P B F Dress Clothes/ Suit

___ P B F Stockings/ Socks

___ P B F Underwear

___ P B F Shoes/ Sneakers

___ P B F Sweaters/ Sweat Shirts

___ P B F Bathing Suit

___ P B F Gloves/ Hat

___ P B F Cap[s]

___ P B F Jacket

___ P B F Jewelry

___ P B F PJs

___ P B F Robe

___ P B F Belts

___ P B F Purse

___ P B F Hangers

___ P B F Quarters for Laundry

___ P B F Detergent

___ P B F Fabric Softener

___ P B F Stain Remover

___ P B F Iron / Ironing Mat

___ P B F Drying Rack

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________


Your room [or you part of the room] is your castle, your refuge and your living room, not just where you sleep. Express yourself, and bring those things you need around you to be ‘at home’.

___ P B F Alarm Clock

___ P B F Lamp

___ P B F Bulletin Board/ Markers/ Stick Pins

___ P B F Posters

___ P B F Rug

___ P B F Hamper

___ P B F Family Pics

___ P B F Fan

___ P B F Holiday Decorations

___ P B F Plants

___ P B F Stereo

___ P B F Storage Trunk with Lock

___ P B F TV

___ P B F Yearbooks

___ P B F Sheets/ Pillowcases

___ P B F Blanket/ Comforter

___ P B F Mattress Pad

___ P B F Pillows

___ P B F Stuffed Animal

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________


SO many different products in this category. Pack what you think you need. Then pack everything your Mom thinks you need. Then pack the rest of the items on the list – the day WILL come you’ll be glad you did! You will also be instantly popular when you are the only one in the dorm who has a……whatever!

___ P B F Towels

___ P B F Bathroom Cup

___ P B F Brush & Comb

___ P B F Curling Iron/ Hair Dryer

___ P B F Makeup/ Fragrance

___ P B F Deodorant

___ P B F Mirror

___ P B F Shampoo & Conditioner

___ P B F Shower Caddy

___ P B F Shower Flip Flops

___ P B F Soap

___ P B F Tissues

___ P B F Washcloths

___ P B F Prescriptions

___ P B F Band-Aids

___ P B F Antibiotic Cream

___ P B F Glasses

___ P B F Contact Lenses/ Case/ Solution

___ P B F Cotton Balls/ Cotton Swabs

___ P B F Eye Drops

___ P B F Hot/Cold Packs

___ P B F Vitamins

___ P B F Pain Reliever/ Decongestants

___ P B F Antacid / Laxative / anti-Diarrheal

___ P B F Vapor Rub

___ P B F Hand/ Body Lotion

___ P B F Nail Clippers

___ P B F Face Cream/ Moisturizer

___ P B F Toothbrush/ Toothpaste/ Floss

___ P B F Razor ___ P B F Tweezers/ Scissors

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________


You may be surprised to know this: Cafeteria food is NOT all that great! Take at least the makings of ONE party – and plenty of clean-up supplies!

___ P B F Dish Detergent

___ P B F Dish Cloth

___ P B F Dish Towel

___ P B F Paper Towels

___ P B F Can Opener

___ P B F Cook Books / Recipes

___ P B F Room Freshener

___ P B F Knife

___ P B F Mug

___ P B F Pizza Cutter [or kitchen scissors]

___ P B F Plastic Food Containers

___ P B F Plastic Glasses

___ P B F Plastic Plates & Bowls

___ P B F Portable Water Filter

___ P B F Utensils

___ P B F Lysol

___ P B F Ziploc Bags

___ P B F Kitchenware

___ P B F Oven Mitt

___ P B F Toaster Oven

___ P B F Microwave

___ P B F Dorm Refrigerator

___ P B F Hot Plate

___ P B F Coffee Maker

___ P B F Portable Vacuum

___ P B F Cereal

___ P B F Ketchup/ Mustard

___ P B F Packaged Foods

___ P B F Snacks

___ P B F Juice Boxes

___ P B F Peanut Butter & Jelly

___ P B F Popcorn

___ P B F Power Bars

___ P B F Ramen Noodles

___ P B F Bottled Water

___ P B F Soda

___ P B F Soup

___ P B F All Other Foods

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________

Computer (Tech Stuff)

You won’t forget our tech – but pack extra EXTRA carefully! Use their original boxes if you can.

___ P B F Cell Phones / PDAs

___ P B F Computer / Laptop

___ P B F Keyboard

___ P B F Mouse & Pad

___ P B F Desktop Monitor

___ P B F Speakers

___ P B F Printer / Printer Paper

___ P B F Printer Toner-Ink Cartridge

___ P B F Scanner

___ P B F Internet Access / Wireless

___ P B F Software / PC Security

___ P B F Surge Protector

___ P B F Chargers for EVERYTHING that uses one

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________

Desk Supplies

Put these all in one box – you can wait to unpack that one until at LEAST the first day of classes.

___ P B F Backpack

___ P B F Calculator

___ P B F Pens & Pencils

___ P B F Highlighters

___ P B F Notebooks

___ P B F Notepaper

___ P B F Calendar

___ P B F Erasers

___ P B F Folders

___ P B F Stapler & Staples

___ P B F Tape

___ P B F Textbooks (Used)

___ P B F Three-hole Punch

___ P B F Waste Basket

___ P B F White-Out

___ P B F Address Book

___ P B F Ruler

___ P B F Index Cards

___ P B F Desk Lamp

___ P B F Desktop Organizer

___ P B F Post-it Notes

___ P B F Envelopes

___ P B F File Cabinet

___ P B F Glue

___ P B F Labels

___ P B F Markers

___ P B F Paper Clips

___ P B F Paper Shredder

___ P B F Pencil Cup

___ P B F Pencil Sharpener

___ P B F Postage Stamps

___ P B F Reference Books

___ P B F Rubber Bands

___ P B F Scissors

___ P B F Stapler Remover

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________


Just DO NOT forget these things!

___ P B F Driver’s License

___ P B F Bank Account / Checks

___ P B F Credit Card

___ P B F Financial Aid Forms

___ P B F Medical Insurance Card

___ P B F Registration Information

___ P B F Renter’s Insurance

___ P B F Social Security Card

___ P B F Student ID

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________


A list of nonessential things that will make you NUTS if you forget them.

___ P B F Beach Towel

___ P B F Water Bottle

___ P B F Camera

___ P B F Flashlight

___ P B F Safety Pins

___ P B F Sewing Kit

___ P B F Duct Tape

___ P B F Sunglasses

___ P B F Umbrella

___ P B F Games

___ P B F Cards

___ P B F Earplugs

___ P B F Extension Cords

___ P B F Light Bulbs

___ P B F Outlet Strips

___ P B F Repair Kit

___ P B F Safety Whistle

___ P B F Sports Equipment

___ P B F Videos

___ P B F Batteries

___ P B F Bug Spray

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________

___ P B F _______________________________

Now a group of lists of things to organize, work out, find or ‘figger out’


___ P B F Car

___ P B F Bicycle

___ P B F Motorcycle

___ P B F Scooter

___ P B F Public Transportation

___ P B F Travel Arrangements

Move Day


___ P B F Maps

___ P B F Boxes

___ P B F Packing Materials

___ P B F Rental Truck / Trailer

___ P B F Shipping

___ P B F Storage


___ On-Campus Housing Arranged

___ Off-Campus Housing Arranged

___ Change of Address Forms

___ Meet Your Roommate

___ Reviewed Roommate Issues

___ Renters Insurance

Search Outs

___ Campus Orientation

___ Finding Your Way Around Town

___ Places for Grocery Shopping

___ Places for Outdoor Activities

___ Places for Theatres / Movies

___ Places in the Community

___ Places to Eat

___ Places to Do Laundry

___ Places to Meet Friends

___ TV / Radio Listings

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