Things to Do in the Fiji Islands

With half a million tourists a year, Fiji is quickly establishing itself as one of the most friendly and attractive places to visit in Pacific region.
Fiji offers a wide variety of activities for families, adrenaline junkies and eco-tourists alike. It takes a good planning to get the most of your Pacific dream holiday. Many people leave Fiji without discovering the real magic of archipelago, though. The advance of tourism industry on the island means that the place is swarmed with the usual Western and Eastern “attractions” and money-pullers. Posh shopping centres, fast-food establishments, Chinese and Indian restaurants have been built all over the islands. My best advice would be – say out of these hot-spots. You can get Asian fast-food just around the corner without leaving the comfort your hometown. You go to Fiji for a special adventure, that’s why you should go headlong into its green abundance.
Hiking in Fiji is one of the best things to do. There are six national parks on the archipelago. If you want to understand why some people fret about the rainforest conservation, go there and you’ll se what a magnificent place a rainforest is. It is nothing like the usual woodland of the Western world.
Koroyanitu is the most popular national park. It offers day tours and camping adventures that will enable you to discover the rainforest and some local villages where almost nothing has changed since the times James Cook was there. For the best views of Fiji head to Nausori national park. You’ll see the sleeping volcanoes and lush green hills over abundant and rich valleys and magnificent ravines.
The reason why you’ve heard about Fiji is probably scuba diving. That is still one of the most popular things to do in Fiji islands. The reason for that is the clarity of the water and beauty of the underwater world. Coral reefs with thousands of colorful fish and wide variety of plants are really worth to see. Some of the reefs are over 4,000 years old that’s why tourists have to be responsible and try not to disturb this subtle life form. Natural coral reefs are very important to the eco-system of the world ocean. Watch and admire but don’t touch!
Other things to do in Fiji include cruising on a replica pirate schooner among the islands, golfing, taking day tours to museums and heritage objects, sailing and maybe some shopping. There are some local markets on the islands. Visiting those you will encounter the islands’ friendly and laid-back manner, learn more about the local inhabitants and maybe find a few items of interest. The locals have kept the old traditions and when it comes to craftsmanship and originality, they easily surpass other so called native destinations.
You cannot put Fiji in any sort of brackets. It is for everyone. Each tourist will find something that captures the imagination and leaves good memories.